This website allows the automatic download of stock photos, including the highest quality images in PSD, EPS, JPG, PNG, and Ai templates, as well as other types of video footage, motion videos, VFX videos, copyrighted music, and templates from numerous websites, including well-known ones like MotionArray, Artlist, EnvatoElements, Shutterstock, istockphoto, Adobe Stock, Pikbest...To download documents in 5 seconds, please follow these steps.

Step 1: Click the register button to create an account.
Step 2: Use Paypal to upgrade your account
Step 3: After completing the payment, the amount will be displayed on your account within 10 seconds and you can immediately download the photos/videos you need. If money has been deducted from your account but payment has not been recorded, please contact us via live chat/email for support.
Step 4: Return to the website, find the table containing the name of the website you wish to download, and then enter the link or ID into the blank space. You can download as many pictures, videos, songs, or other files as you like at this point. Each ID code or The URL you entered in one line
Step 5: Next, click the PROCEED DOWNLOAD button

Or you can refer to this link to get more information: 

Thank you!